Devlog Hito 2

Hello and welcome to our devlog 

As we mentioned in our last devlog, we managed to make Wendy throw water!! And that's not all, we also made enemies and a combat mechanic ready that allows Wendy... to lose, hehe. Besides, we've created the ground for the pop-up message when detergent is shot at the enemy, which will be detailed and perfected little by little.

We hope to have some additional animations in our nexts devlogs related to the combat system to make it more entertaining and achieve Wendy's victories in her fights (in addition to replacing the sprites with our original ones, as we had trouble with the dimensions :(  ).

Download the attached file if you'd like to see a bit of our game :)



Triangle Fenix ProjectV2.exe 70 MB
Oct 23, 2023

Get Build TriangleFenix

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